Past Paper Questions - Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA, 1945–68

D5 – Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA, 1945–68 Jan 2009 9. How important was the contribution of Martin Luther King to the civil rights movement in the years 1955–68? 10. How far had the status of Hispanic and Native Americans improved by the late 1960s? May 2009 9. How far did the position of Black Americans improve in the years 1945–55? 10. How far do you agree that the Black Power movement hindered Black civil rights in the 1960s? Jan 2010 9. To what extent was the Federal Government responsible for improving the status of black people in the United States in the years 1945–64? 10. How far was the effectiveness of the civil rights movement in the 1960s limited by internal divisions? May 2010 9. How accurate is it to say that the status of black people in the United States changed very little in the years 1945–55? 10. How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955–64? Jan 2011 9. To what extent was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) responsible for the successes of the civil rights campaign in the years 1945–57? 10. How far were the forces opposed to civil rights responsible for the failures of the civil rights movement in the 1960s? May 2011 9. How far do you agree that the impact of the Second World War was the main reason why the position of African Americans improved in the years 1945–55? 10. How accurate is it to say that Martin Luther King’s policy of peaceful protest was the most important reason for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955–68? Jan 2012 9. How successful was Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights in the years 1955–68? 10. To what extent did the status of ethnic minorities, apart from African Americans, change in the 1960s? June 2012 9. How far do you agree that the years 1945–55 saw only limited progress in improving the status of African Americans? 10. How accurate is it to say that the growth of Black Power was the most important factor in the weakening of the civil rights movement in the 1960s?


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